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  • Writer's pictureTim Beecher

My ScreenTime Analysis

Updated: Sep 17, 2021

The following is an analysis of my screen time over the past few weeks. I manually recorded the data and used Google Data Studio to create the dashboard.

Phones are so vital to our lives through the ease of accessibility they provide. But such speed of access is a double-edged sword. Phones are one of the biggest distractions we have from the real world going on around us. In order to try to understand the relationship I have with my phone, I conducted a data-driven project.

Over the past 3 weeks, I used Apple's internal screen time recorder for my iPhone 12 and manually recorded the data each week into a Google sheet. You can check out that sheet here below:

After collecting my data, I did some descriptive analytics which offered my additional insights into how I use my phone(or really how my phone uses me).

The app that was the largest consumer of my time an app called Counter. This app allows me to track my sales activity as part of my current job role. Here is what the app looks like at the end of a given day:

Since I am working at my job 40 hours a week, it makes sense it takes up much of my screen time.

That being said, I did learn some other, less productive uses of my phone. First, I learned I watch YouTube for over 9 hours a week on average and that just seems ridiculous. I wish I was at least spending more time on my Library app, which is only about 2 hours a week on average. I'm hoping to move at least one hour from YouTube to Library. As the weeks have progressed it is encouraging to see that I spend more time on that app.

I also found I am spending roughly an equal amount of time per week on Facebook and LinkedIn(4.7 hours on average). I've found the content on LinkedIn to be of greater value to my career and overall well-being when compared to the content I find on Facebook. Hence, I want to focus on taking some time away from Facebook and moving it towards LinkedIn.

I found some other insights and patterns and summarized them in a dashboard. My favorite feature of this dashboard is the scorecard which tells me how much time I was on my phone last week and what percentage more or less it was of the week before. Check it out!

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